Kitchen exhaust hoods help trap airborne grease, steam, and anything else that rises up when you’re cooking on a stove or cooktop. But many smaller places like apartments, dorms, or camper trailers don’t have them, which often means splattered grease, smoke-filled rooms, and even tripped smoke alarms.
It’s these types of situations where the Airhood would be a perfect fit. The Airhood, designed by French designer Maxime Augay, is a portable exhaust hood that can be set on a countertop next to a cooktop and suck up smoke, grease and steam out of the air.
The Airhood features two filters. The charcoal filter filters smoke and fumes out of the air, while the oil filter captures grease from out of the air and helps avoid buildup of sticky film and grease odors from embedding itself into walls, curtains, or other cooking adjacent areas. I can also see the Airhood helpful for non-cooking applications where people want to eliminate airborne smoke (I’m looking at you cannabis enthusiasts).
Augay conceived of the Airhood while in college after finding the extractor hood in his home difficult to clean. He submitted it to and won the “Pure Talent Contest – Living Kitchen Selection” at imm Cologne, one of Europe’s largest furniture trade shows.
Below is a picture showing the evolution of the Airhood from early prototype to final product design.

Augay teamed up with Smart Product Concepts Ltd, a kitchen appliance design services and manufacturing company based in Hong Kong, to help bring the product to market. The product launched on Kickstarter on May 2nd and reached its target in just 99 minutes and, as of this writing, has raised over $76 thousand. The Airhood team has completed the final tooling and plans to start manufacturing in September and ship by October.
The unit is available in two forms: a wired version for $79 and a cordless version for $99. As always, buyers should be beware of any Kickstarter campaign. That said, with the campaign’s fast start and the tooling already completed, the chances of the final product making it to backers look pretty good.
You can see the Airhood in action in the video below: