Ghost kitchen. Virtual kitchen. Cloud kitchen.
Whatever their name, these commercial shared-use kitchens that are built to fulfill online delivery and pickup orders are one of the biggest trends in the restaurant industry right now. Ask nearly any operator of a fast food, fast casual or even full-service restaurant chain and they’ll tell you they are working to figure out how to integrate virtual kitchens into their operating and marketing mix.
Here at the Spoon, it seems nearly every week there is news about a new cloud kitchen startup getting a funding round or a large chain opening its own ghost kitchens. However, despite the rapid rise of these facilities, there are lots of questions from restaurant operators and food entrepreneurs as they build their ghost kitchen strategies. With that in mind, we thought there was no better topic to kick off our series of interactive deep dive conversations than that of cloud kitchens.
The first Spoon Deep Dive will be on Thursday, March 19th at 10 a.m. I’ll be your moderator, and joining me are two experts in Ashley Colpaart, CEO of The Food Corridor (and author of this excellent piece on ghost kitchens in 2020) and Shawn Lange, the President of Lab2Fab (a division of restaurant and food equipment giant Middleby).
If you’d like to register you can do so right here. We’ll be opening up part of the session to attendee questions, so make sure to arrive with something to ask Ashley and Shawn about this exciting market.
See you next Thursday!