When you hear the phrase “future food”, your mind might go to cell-based meat or meals cooked and served by robots. You may consider a more dystopian direction and remember the square-shaped wafers in the film Soylent Green (set in 2022), or the company called Soylent (which took inspiration from the movie’s title) with its meal replacement shakes intended to replace food altogether. Although we don’t know what exactly our food will look like in the next 25-50 years, we do know we need creative solutions to feed a population that is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050.
A Miami-based company called SquarEat has joined this “future food” category with its full meals that come in the form of multiple 50g squares. The start-up aims to simplify nutrition for those who have a busy lifestyle or struggle to consume enough calories and proper nutrients.

It operates as a meal plan service that delivers to your house on a weekly basis, but unlike other similar services, all of the food arrives pre-cooked, vacuum-sealed, and in the shape of a square. Currently, 15 different squares are listed on SquarEat’s website, ranging from chocolate pancakes, sea bass, basmati rice, vegan burger, and asparagus.

The company is gearing up for its upcoming launch and is accepting investors through its WeFunder campaign. I recently interviewed Maria Laura Vacaflores, the CMO of SquarEat, to discuss the inspiration behind the company, the sustainability of the squares, and the upcoming launch.
This transcript has been lightly edited for the sake of clarity:
Ashlen: Do you want to start by discussing the inspiration behind launching SquarEat?
Maria: Of course. So the idea behind SquarEat comes from one of the most common issues, people who often struggle to deal with a busy lifestyle, trying to keep up with a healthy and proper diet. So we have experienced firsthand the inefficiencies of the tradition of meal plan services. And we have seen a clear possibility of disruption by bringing a complete transformation to the sector that is growing tremendously fast, introducing a brand new concept, that is 100% natural food. The only thing is the shape, the square shape, is simply the result of the cooking process needed to achieve our goals, or ensure convenience and guarantee taste. And you know those are really practical. Our goal is to make people’s lives easier without sacrificing taste.
Ashlen: How are the ingredients cooked to form a square?
Maria: We use all-natural ingredients. For example, our chicken square is called 95% chicken breast, and then you have a little bit of rosemary, and salt and pepper. We just use normal, natural food, and the way that we cook it is low, you know, at a low temperature. We put it on the blast cooler that is thermal shocking, and that’s the way we make the form, we get the square shape.
Ashlen: Okay, okay, that makes sense. It sounds like it’s all-natural and simple ingredients, everything you can pronounce easily. Are there any preservatives in there?
Maria: The way that we make our product last longer, is because we vacuum seal everything individually. So there’s no oxygen in the squares, like you know, completely sealed, and you can have it for up to two weeks in your own fridge. That’s also really good because you know all the foods right now, like a normal traditional meal plan, if you’re okay I’m gonna describe it. On Monday, they deliver it to you, and you have to eat it then or by Wednesday because it’s not going to be good. Sometimes they put sauces on the top or they mix it up, and it looks awfully bad. I’m telling you this because I’ve done these meal plans before.
I know people need to eat healthily, that’s why you’re doing a meal plan, right? You can cook but you also want to be healthy and you want your food to taste good. So we came up with this idea. If you can’t eat your food by Wednesday, like I said, right so you don’t need to worry with a square. You can eat it Friday, Saturday, etc. you just, decide you don’t want the chicken, just the vegetables, and that’s okay. You have this flexibility that no other company allows you to have.
Ashlen: And so you said, it can store up to two weeks in the fridge. Can it be put in the freezer, and thawed out and eaten at another time or do you recommend that people eat the squares fresh?
Maria: Yeah, if you want you can, but you don’t need to because they’re going to be completely fresh. If you want to put food in the freezer because you want to eat it like a month later, you know, that’s up to you but I recommend always to leave the squares in the fridge. Two weeks that’s perfect timing, but it’s gonna be fresh, you’re gonna feel it. It’s gonna be fresh, like the first day you receive it.
Ashlen: So has it been a challenge to convince people to eat food in the form of a square?
Maria: We’ve gone through some resistance. A lot of haters. However, we got a lot of love from the ones that are excited about our idea, as the squares are highly digestible and practical. For example, they are intended for people who suffer from autism who might have a sort of aversion to food. I’ve had a lot of friends, for example, they suffer because they can’t gain weight. They can’t eat the protein they need, or the calories they need, because they can’t eat that much. They’re really skinny, or they have this problem with the food. So my friend called me the next day, like, Oh, my God, this is a solution in my life. Finally, I can get my food properly, I can get my calories, I can eat healthily, I can, you know, have a healthy body. And I mean, it’s the food that you need, that your body needs, but it comes, you know, in a more digestible, practical way. And you just eat it like, like a little snack.
Ashlen: I’ve often heard for people who are struggling to get enough calories, a nutritionist often recommends eating protein bars, but those can be kind of gross.
Maria: Yes, those are. Those are meal replacements, not ours. Yeah, for example, I can tell you that it fills my heart with joy, knowing that people with more specific needs may have found a solution that can improve their lives, you know? We are compared to the SnowPiercer and Soylent Green movies, you know, where they do the square shape of the food. The shape of the food is often associated with this dystopian future, where people are oppressed and forced to eat disgusting things. But we’re not going to force anyone to use squares. You know, we are only proposing a solution. A tasty meal for children, adults, women, men, any age, we’re seeking a healthy lifestyle. Imagine all the children who don’t want to eat their veggies. And the moms are like, Oh my god, you know, they want to do everything for the kids. You know, to eat the vegetables, they need vegetables. You need those vegetables when you’re a kid. So imagine you’re given something like the food they wouldn’t eat doesn’t look like broccoli. You know, and you’re like, my kid is now eating broccoli.
Ashlen: Yeah, that’s really interesting. Okay, yeah, I didn’t even think about using that for children. Because you’re so right. If a kid sees something that looks like food they have an aversion to they’re not going to eat it. But you know, in a different form, it might be convincing.
Maria: That was me. Because my mom, many times, said to me, I couldn’t eat fish. I would always say it is fish, and she lied about it to me. And now you can get them to eat right, to eat healthily and all the nutrients they need.
Ashlen: So kind of going off of, I guess, the dystopian future you mentioned, do you see what SquareEat is doing kind of as the future of food? Do you see more companies doing this? I guess, processing food in the way you do and making it more convenient and simple? Or what do you see?
Maria: First of all, I strongly believe that there is an attractive and futuristic shape that communicates exactly the soul of our project, we want to revolutionize the ready-to-eat meal plan delivery service industry by giving our customers something that they never had, that they haven’t tried before. But you know, think about portion control, already seasoned and portable, long-lasting, tasty, with all the nutrients being preserved. So I think people are gonna copy these in the future, I’m telling you, and we have to re-envision a future where people don’t necessarily have to cook, where houses are built with, you know, with different comforts. And what a full kitchen may not be necessarily a future that everyone can afford. That’s what we want, not like the movies you know. We want everyone to have a better life than they can afford.
And it has to be optional but like I’m telling you, there are so many people right now who don’t like to cook and they don’t have to. So this is the present, imagine the future, how it’s gonna be. I believe that yes, it’s is gonna be like this. Yeah, I’m not, I’m not telling you that I don’t like steak sometimes. Like a nice dinner, a nice barbecue, but you know, in my everyday routine, something healthy and you know, I want something ready. That’s fine.
Ashlen: Yeah, I feel like everyone kind of has like maybe one or even two meals a day we’re just rushing around and we don’t have time to cook or we don’t want to stop and pick up food so I definitely see room for the squares in a very busy lifestyle. But I have a personal question for you actually. How often do you eat the squares yourself?
Maria: Well, well it’s gonna be a year that I’m eating the squares because the project has been developing for more than a year of trying and cooking and discovering new flavors, new things that we can add. I am the person that taste tests and I eat like every day. I will say I eat from Monday to Saturday, for lunch, breakfast I eat the squares. I can cook something maybe myself perhaps sometimes that is not the squares again. But you know what I do, I put them in the air fryer, maybe I do some chicken nuggets with my square. For the vegetable squares, cut them up like in tiny pieces. I do like tacos, I put my meat squares in them because it’s already cooked and I just need to warm it up the way I want it and give it a little flavor, extra fuel that I wanted. So if I want to eat super healthy, okay, then just the squares. I can put them just straight in the microwave. Maybe a little bit of oil. And that’s it, you know, although my mood and my daily routine, but I’ve been eating like every day for a year.
Ashlen: Very cool. Okay, thank you for answering that. So on The Spoon, we like to cover food waste as well. And I believe I read something on your website that was just a brief statement on food waste. So how are do the squares help reduce food waste?
Maria: Okay, our product, our production chain runs on minimal waste in food and energetic resources. We are eco-sustainable from the production stages to deliveries, we don’t use any gas or any other dangerous things that can be combusted into the preparation process. And thanks to our innovative techniques, we are also able to use almost 100% of the food we need to obtain this worse. That’s something unique compared to the availability of alternatives on the market. And they there’s also a significant reduction in terms of waste, both from us and the customer point of view. Because if you can see there that vacuum sealing are squares naturally extends our product shelf life, for up to two weeks. Our sealing bags are BPA-free. And it’s food-safe, and microwavable, and you can also boil them if you want safely. They are 100% recyclable. And as a food manufacturer, we are simply asking our customers to do their part when it comes to taking care of the environment as much as we do.
Ashlen: Great. Yeah, I was thinking about other like meal prep companies and such. And I was just thinking there are things like broccoli stems and peels, even that gets tossed out. So I would imagine that in a square, you could kind of combine all of that, which is also more nutritionally dense incorporating those bits and pieces. So that’s good to know. And then you could have answered this already. But to clarify, the squares, are they a direct meal replacement? And can you replace all three meals with squares?
Maria: Oh, that’s great. It’s not an alternative food. The only difference is our preparation methods and the unique shape that it has. Think of, for example, mozzarella or pasta, yogurt. They’re from soy, milk, or grains, but that doesn’t mean that they lose their natural properties during the transformation process. They are often proof. Our squares are made of 100% natural ingredients, and they are not I meal replacement like I said sorry. And I mentioned the chicken right, and chicken squares have the addition of natural spices. And our innovative production processes allow our products to have a longer shelf life, better preservation of nutrients, and consumption flexibility. So you can definitely have three meal boxes a day. And this is exactly what SquarEat is designed for.
Ashlen: One last question: When did the company launch its first products?
Maria: So hopefully, we’re gonna be ready within a few weeks. We are expecting that because we are finishing the last details for the big opening. And we were expecting that it will be like at the end of September, hopefully, if not at the first week of October, but we’re gonna keep you updated for sure.
Ashlen: Sounds great. For some reason, I thought you had already launched but that’s great that I’m talking with you before the launch.
Maria: Yes, yes. Perfect. We’re right now running our crowdfunding campaign. When it’s closer to the end of this campaign, we’re gonna launch if that makes sense.
SquarEat’s WeFunder campaign is still active, and has so far raised a total of $165,905.