Like Ahab and his whale, I’ve been on the hunt to replicate the same kind of pizza I ate in Italy at my home. And failing miserably. Pizza stone in the oven, gas outdoor pizza oven, on the grill — none of them replicate the char and pillowy crust of a real Italian style pizza.
This was why I was so excited to taste pizza from the Breville Pizzaiolo Smart Oven at our FoodTech Live event in Las Vegas night. The Pizzaiolo ratchets up to 750 degrees and can cook a pizza in just three minutes. The result is a nicely charred, airy crust that really felt rustically Italian.
Of course, it helped that said pizzas were made by World Pizza Cup Champion Tony Gemignani. Here’s a quick video of he and I talking about the Pizzaiolo to give you a (delicious) taste of what the device is capable of.
You don’t have to get fancy either, the Pizzaiolo can also just cook a regular ole frozen pizza or one made using store bought crust. At $800 the Pizzaiolo ain’t cheap, and I’ll probably have a hard time convincing my wife (and my waistline) that our family needs one — but now at least I know that authentic Italian style pizza is possible to make in my kitchen.
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