You know the old saw about working hard and working smart? Well, here at The Spoon we are working particularly hard right now because our Smart Kitchen Summit virtual event kicks off tomorrow (get your ticket!).
Coincidentally, tomorrow and Wednesday are also Amazon Prime Days, the time of year when the giant retailer puts a bunch of stuff on sale — including cooking gadgets and other devices. And iF Amazon Prime Day wasn’t big enough on its own, other giant retailers like Walmart and Target are offering discounts of their own drafting off the Amazon hype machine.
Given how busy we will be moderating and watching awesome discussions about the future of food tech tomorrow, we thought it would be a smart idea to hand over all the Amazon Prime Day deal watching over to the experts who keep an eye on this kind of stuff all the time.
So, if you are in the market for some sweet kitchen stuff (or you know, just more stuff), here are some links to check out tomorrow:
CNET’s Amazon Prime Day deals page
If you can’t wait until tomorrow, Wirecutter actually has a list of Early Prime Day deals that you can peruse right now!
And for those of you really glutton for punishment, not only is Oct. 13 the first day of the Smart Kitchen Summit and Amazon Prime Day, but Apple is also hosting its iPhone event tomorrow as well! In other words, its going to be hard just getting through all the news tomorrow.
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