You know you’re in a fancy eating establishment when they start throwing the word “infused” around. Thyme-infused butter. Rosemary-infused coconut oil. You get the picture.
If you’ve wanted to concoct your own culinary infusions at home, but didn’t know how, then perhaps you should check out Levo. Levo is a countertop infusing device that automates the infusion process. Pair the mobile app to the Levo, choose your herbs (citrus, basil, vanilla, etc.) and your oil (avocado, grapeseed, olive, etc.) and the Levo does the rest.
But you’re not just limited to herbs and fats. You could infuse just about anything with, well, just about anything (see: blueberry butter). And lately, CBD has been the big thing to infuse into just about… everything. A Levo spokesperson confirmed that their device can make CBD infusions, and the company is planning on featuring more hemp/CBD infusion recipes.
Levo also has uses outside of the kitchen, letting you create your infused soaps, salves, lip balms and the like as well.
The Levo has actually been on the market for a couple of years and is available through the company’s web site. There are two Levos to choose from. The Levo I costs $149.99 and does not include WiFi. The Levo II costs $349.99, is WiFi-enabled and connects with the mobile app, and does three “cycles”: drying, activation and infusion. According to Levo, drying and “activating” (ed.note: we’re not sure if that’s just marketingspeak) your botanicals will unlock their full potency.
Food personalization and customization is a trend we follow closely here at The Spoon. The flexibility of Levo to freewheel with your infusion creations is similar to BEERMKR, the crowdfunded home beer brewing system that also lets you toss just about anything into the batch to give your beer all kinds of different flavor.
Sure, you can still go out for fancy infused foods, but maybe it’d be more fun to make them at home.
Do you put them into a container? Does it come with packages of oils or herbs?
“Activating” is a way to say “decarboxylation of marijuana” without getting into legal issues. By heating marijuana leaf for a certain period of time, the non-psychoactive Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THC-A) breaks down into psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Basically: if you eat pot, nothing happens; if you decarb pot, infuse a fat (oil or butter) with it, then eat a food with it (ie brownies, pesto), you’ll get the effects. Highly recommend checking out Leafly’s articles on decarbing.