Michael Wolf: Who is the target customer?
I think the target customer today is really people who drink fresh juice or people who are drinking cold-pressed juice. In our research ‑ and we’ve done quite extensive quantitative and qualitative research ‑ that people love fresh juice. Even people who don’t want to like fresh juice end up loving fresh juice and I can elaborate on that in a minute. But fresh juice is really not easily obtained. I love the video that we shot, which is really true, which is why people resonate with that. And so people who don’t want fresh juice and they don’t want to make it end up getting juice in a bottle, and the juice in a bottle are the sheer nature that is put in the bottle is no longer fresh as they make on their own.
Invariably, everybody loves the Juicero juice like everyone just loves it. When they were asked, and I really become a fly in the wall in the discussions, because I was asked, “Hey, if juicing was this easy, will you do it?”
Michael Wolf: You guys were definitely one of the most high-profile stealth companies in , but why so secret? Were you worried that people are going to copy the idea? What was the reason for the secrecy?
Doug Evans: I think that I wanted to stay focused and I didn’t know how long it was going to take to do, and I didn’t see any value about talking about things before they were ready, and sort of saying I had really nothing to say like I’m not someone who’s a smart engineer or food scientist. I really don’t want to talk to anybody.
Michael Wolf: [laughter] Well, this has been great. Hey, Doug, I appreciate it on your big day. Congratulations! People can find you at Juicero.com if they want to check it out, right?
Doug Evans: Absolutely, absolutely. Thanks so much, Mike. You’re terrific and it’s an honor to meet you over the phone.
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