We hope you’re ready for SKS Day 2, which includes four insights-packed workshops!
We’ll be hearing about prototyping your next big idea, managing IP and patents for a food tech startup, building a connected recipe strategy for appliance brands and an introduction to solid-state cooking.
You won’t want to miss them and you can get a day two workshops pass for only $35!
Here’s more on this morning’s lineup:
9-10 AM PT: From Napkin to Pre-Production: A Prototyping Workshop With Scott Heimendinger
Do you have the next great product idea? Turn it into a working prototype! Independent inventor Scott Heimendinger (Anova, Modernist Cuisine, Sansaire) will walk you through the process with practical tips, tools, and best practices for taking your idea from the back of a napkin to pre-production. But prototyping isn’t just for engineers. Whether you’re raising a round, headed to crowdfunding, or just kicking the tires, learn how prototyping is a critical part of your pitch deck and IP strategy before you launch.
Presenter: Scott Heimendinger
10-11 AM PT: Solid State Microwave Cooking 101 – What’s In It for You?
The workshop will give an introduction to solid state RF technology in contrast to the legacy magnetron. Aspects like controllability, reliability, frequency ranges, and related “recipe-control” will be presented.
Presenters: Klaus Werner, John Gerling, John Mastela
11-12 PT: The Ingredients of a Connected Recipe
As we enter the age of the connected kitchen, how we write recipes has changed, maximizing the usability of appliances and simplifying the experience of home cooks.
In conversation with Hugh Durkin, VP of Product Platform, Adam Bermingham, Head of AI, will discuss what makes the perfect recipe for connected cooking. From the amount of time spent interacting with appliances to the precise blend of ingredients, the team will share their unique insights and offer takeaways to inform your strategy.
Presenters: Hugh Durkin, Adam Bermingham
12-1 PM PT: Building A Food Tech Patent & IP Strategy
This workshop will help you understand the IP landscape in foodtech and give you a framework for developing your own IP strategy for your foodtech startup.
Speaker: Anas Alfarra
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