Here’s a little sad news for your Labor Day: Microwave oven industry legend Bob Schiffmann has passed away.
The news came via an email from the International Microwave Power Association (IMPI), the industry organization that essentially serves as the technical steering committee for future microwave technologies like solid-state cooking.
From the announcement:
“IMPI’s beloved President, Bob Schiffmann, has died. Bob passed away on September 4, 2021 following a short illness, surrounded by his loving family.”
If you’ve had anything to do with microwave oven technology over the past 50 years, chances are you knew Bob Schiffmann. He was the president of the board of IMPI for 22 years, had written several books on the technology, and had 28 patents to his name.
I had a chance to meet Bob in 2019 when IMPI asked me to speak at their annual meeting about the future of microwave cooking. The event was memorable for a couple of reasons. First, afterward, Bob presented me with a plaque for speaking at their annual event. In all the events I’ve ever spoken at, I’d never gotten a plaque. It was an old-school, nice touch.
Second, it was clear immediately that Bob was the most curious guy in the room. During and after my presentation, he asked all sorts of questions about where I saw the industry going. I mean, here’s a guy that probably knows more about the microwave oven industry than anyone asking what I thought about the future of his industry.
My other memory of Bob was at The Spoon’s Customize Food Personalization Summit in February 2021. That he had decided to come to this New York City event which had nothing to do with microwave ovens may have been surprising to some, but not to me. I knew after our first meeting Bob had an insatiable desire to learn. Once again, he asked more questions than anyone.
I’ll miss Bob, and I know the microwave industry will too. You can read IMPI’s full letter with the news about Bob’s passing here.
Thank you for this lovely tribute to my father. It is amazing to see how many people he touched.
While his passing is very sad for the family, reading this tribute brought a smile to our faces.