Sure, the kitchen of the future will be driven by data and standards, but one crucial element not to be overlooked among all the gadgets and tech is the human touch.
This is one of the insights you can glean from watching the video for the “Building Services for the Connected Kitchen” panel at our recent Smart Kitchen Summit. Brita Rosenheim of The Mixing Bowl moderated this fascinating and forward looking discussion with Lisa Fetterman, CEO, Nomiku; Mike Wallace, CEO, Perfect Company; and Tony Ciepiel, COO, Vitamix.
They cover a wide range of topics, but here are three big takeaways:
Data Brings Out Needed Connections
Connected devices are able to record a lot of data about what, when and how often you eat or drink. This data doesn’t just help the device maker better understand you — but it can help companies throughout the consumption process better serve you.
Perfect’s platform fills in a huge knowledge gap for spirit makers who currently have no idea how their product is used after the sale. And Nomiku’s connected sous vide system, they can identify what types of food you prefer and fulfill accordingly.
Standards are Needed
Right now every connected device has its own app. This can be confusing and overly complicated for the consumer. This obviously is not the best solution for creating a vast interconnected kitchen where your fridge knows when you get home and automatically starts up your sous vide.
The solution, however, isn’t so cut and dry. It’s doubtful that any one company will cede control of a platform to another, but as Fetterman points out, things are moving so quickly that no one has time to invent an independent unifying language. Consumers have shown they can live with a multi-app approach (see: navigation on your phone), but will it be a stalemate rather than superiority that determines the outcome?
The Human Touch is Needed
As 80s rocker Rick Springfield once sang — we all need the human touch. And this is true for the connected kitchen as every speaker on the panel talked about the role of personal interaction leading to adoption. Vitamix does 48,000 demonstrations a year to show people how to use its product. Perfect’s cocktail maker is by nature social and almost becomes like a modern day, boozier Tupperware party.
This is just some of what was touched on in the panel. Watch the full video right here and leave a comment with your thoughts on the best path for building connected services in the kitchen.
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