If you’ve been sheltering in place for the past couple of months, you’ve probably been eating a ton of carbs. Between that and the constant wearing of sweatpants, you may have put on unwanted pounds (or maybe you welcome them!).
If that’s the case and you want to get back to your pre-pandemic weight, perhaps you can pick up a Lumen, which is now available for purchase. Lumen is a handheld breathalyzer that promises to help you “hack your metabolism” by measuring the CO2 in your breath. The device then tells whether you are burning fat or carbs and provides personalized nutritional guidance based on your metabolic efficiency.
You can check out this video Catherine did with with Dror Ceder, the Founder and CEO of Lumen at CES last year.
The device started out as a crowdfunded project on Indiegogo back in 2018, and has gone on to raise more than $2.5 million dollars. In September of last year, Lumen raised an $8.5 million round of funding (the company has raised $15 million in total). At that same time, Lumen said that it had sold 11,000 devices.
Now the Lumen is available to general public for purchase. The device is available through Lumen.me, costs $299 and is shipping worldwide.
We can’t speak to the device’s accuracy, but we do know that Lumen isn’t the only company out there that wants you to breathe out. The Keyto breath sensor is $99 and gauges whether or not your body is in ketosis.
Exhaling has certainly taken on new weight during this pandemic (wear a mask!), but perhaps breathing out can be a way to help people find some post-pandemic fitness.