We were thrilled when Masahiro Fujita, Chief Research Engineer of the AI Collaboration Office of Sony agreed to be a speaker at our ArticulATE food robotics conference in April. He started Sony’s Robot Entertainment project in 1993 and led the development of the famous AIBO robotic dog.
During his ArticulATE presentation, Fujita talked about how historically, Sony has provided technology throughout the entertainment stack. Its studio Sony Pictures finances movies, filmmakers use Sony products to shoot and create movies, and consumers can watch movies on their Sony Blu-Ray or PlayStation Network.
Fujita said that Sony views the food world in much the same way. It wants to provide the underlying robotic and AI technology that can help creative types like chefs make their food, as well as the mechanisms for people at home to enjoy high-level cooking.
Because the technology is still so nascent and not ready for prime time with consumers, Sony is looking first at B2B applications. The company really wants its AI and robots to be able to make meals in a 3 Michelin star restaurant. Those of us waiting for robotic help at dinnertime at home are going to have to wait awhile.
Check out Fujita’s full presentation (and a glimpse into the robo-chef future) from ArticulATE below:
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