Every month, the folks behind the Spinn grind & brew coffee maker post highly detailed updates on the progress they are making towards getting the long-delayed machine into the hands of backers.
Last month was was no different. On October 30, the company posted a meticulous update that went into detail on everything from the product’s real-time recipe generator to its mobile app development and user guide. However, unlike previous updates, this one had a little sentence near the end providing an actual timeline for initial deliveries:
Next month, Spinn will begin with its very first roll-out of machines to its earliest backers in California. Soon thereafter, we will begin with the fulfillment of other preorders.
Talk about burying the lede.
In reality, the announcement of initial shipments to early backers shouldn’t be a huge surprise for anyone who’s been following Spinn’s updates in recent months, which explain the slow-motion process of pushing the coffee machine into manufacturing.
For example, in September Spinn detailed the first engineering builds coming off the line of its contract manufacturer and getting delivered for final testing at the company headquarters in Amsterdam.
And with October’s update, it does appear Spinn is putting a bow on final preparations around delivering a working product, including building out the instruction manual and exploring the different chemicals consumers can use to perform descaling on the machine.

Spinn Coffee instruction manual excerpt
While I am cautiously skeptical, there’s no doubt that the company shipping product is good news for anyone who, like me, has been waiting literally years to get their Spinn.
A glance at the comments in Spinn’s forum shows that other early customers are, for the most part, excited that the company is starting to ship.
The only remaining question for me is when will other early backers see their Spinn. I was in the first wave of customers and expected to see the Spinn pretty soon after first shipments but, for some reason, the company is shipping to what looks like a small subsegment of backers in California first. My guess is they are looking to test the product in the field first before ramping up to full production.
Let’s hope that goes quickly and I’ll see my Spinn before Christmas.
I got a refund 3 years ago. Curious to see if they actually ship to all the pre-orders.
They worked too hard to make this. I predict it will be a total failure.all the update hype material. Coffee is coffee. It will taste as good as any coffee machine or maybe worse. There is just so much you can do as far as taste and its all built into many machines before spinn. Its still water passing thru coffee grounds no magic except to buy good coffee. They will be appearing on the bargain rack soon. Lol
Please update if you got shipped.. still waiting.
I held on for 2 years, but once you ask for a refund, the answers to questions get a bit surly. I am now firmly in the camp of “I will believe it when I see it””
This machine is vaporware. I’m convinced. They supposedly shipped two months ago. I can find no evidence of this on social media YouTube or anywhere else. I have yet to see one video of the machine receiving beans and water and out putting coffee.
As others have said, I’ll believe it when I see it.
But I do hope I see it. Conceptually, the technology is very sound. But I’ve seen plenty of other companies in this situation fold simply because they didn’t have the capital to actually begin full scale production. If they pull it off, I will happily buy it at full price and won’t regret missing out on the preorder savings at all.
I have canceled my order after almost 2 years, but to date have not received my refund….