Danone and Brightseed announced an expanded partnership today that will have the food and beverage giant using Brightseed’s Forager artificial intelligence platform to uncover more phytonutrients from additional plant-based ingredients.
Brightseed’s technology studies plants on a molecular level to identify and catalog previously unknown compounds that could have health benefits. For example, earlier this year Brightseed announced that it had discovered in pre-clinical trials that the bioactive compounds N-trans caffeoyltyramine (NTC) and N-trans-feruloyltyramine (NTF) found in black pepper can help with the clearance of fat accumulated in the liver. After these initial findings through Brightseed’s AI, the company will move forwards to confirm the results through clinical trials to determine efficacy as well as other factors such as dosage and administering the compounds.
Danone first teamed up with Brightseed in June of last year to study potential new benefits of soy. (Danone owns the Silk brand.) According to today’s press announcement sent to The Spoon, Brightseed’s Forager discovered 10 times more bioactives than previously known and 7 new health areas. As these findings are confirmed by more clinical data, brands like Danone benefit because they can tout additional health benefits around their products, but consumers benefit because there are then more plant-based tools to fight different ailments.
What’s interesting about companies in the AI space like Brightseed, Spoonshot, and Journey Foods is how they are shortening the discovery period for food companies looking to create new products. Before machine learning and artificial intelligence, food manufacturers had to first hypothesize about how particular ingredients might work together, or the health benefits of an ingredient. After that guess, they would run physical tests in a lab to see if they were remotely close in their hypothesis. If they were wrong, they’d have to start all over again from scratch. AI helps shrink that time by doing a lot of that guesswork up front quickly in a computer before any lab time is needed.
The whole space is very new, but Danone expanding on its partnership with Brightseed is a vote of confidence for the technology and should lead to more brands jumping into the use of AI and computational biology.
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