Last week, June announced via email it had added the ability to pair and control the June Oven from multiple iOS devices. Prior to the update, June users were limited to a single device to control their smart oven at any given time.
According to the company, the feature was accelerated due to demand from the June user community.
Nikhil Bhogal, CTO for June, told the Spoon “The community spoke and the ability to pair multiple phones or iPads to June quickly became the top requested feature. We had slated to launch this during the second half of 2017 because it touches JuneOS, June Cloud and the companion app. After getting the feedback in early January we quickly prioritized the feature.”
One of the promises of connectivity is the ability to improve the products over time, and companies like June and PicoBrew are now iterating and adding features using remote upgrades, while large companies such as GE are also adding features such as Alexa voice control to their connected devices.
But these companies are more the exception than the rule in early 2017, as it’s still early days for the kitchen appliance remote upgrade. The ability to add features via software update is still largely a foreign concept for most consumers. However, as devices become more expected, consumers will come to expect an ever-improving consumer experience.
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