A traumatic early experience as a young medical intern set Dr. Matthew Lange on a career course to change the way the world thinks about nutrition. He realized early on that medical community had it backward: by focusing on treatment of people sick from years of poor eating habits rather than helping people to better understand nutrition and make food choices over the course of a lifetime, they were never going to solve the growing problem of obesity and diet-related health concerns.
Since these early days, Dr. Lange has spent his career at the intersection of food, nutrition, and information. His latest project is helping to create a common language for the food industry to describe information that new and ever better technology can ow extract from the food itself. Lange and other believe that a common language describing food that can then be utilized by these emerging technologies will help usher in new ways to create, handle, distribute, cook and consume food.
The end result if Lange achieves his vision? Healthier outcomes for people equipped with better information about their food.
After you check out the podcast, you can find out more about Lange and IC-FOODS here.
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