Waffles are a Sunday morning tradition in our house. As a result we go through a lot of Bisquick**. Making sure I always have enough on hand is just one reason I’m excited to try out the forthcoming PantryChic.
PantryChic is a system of connected containers and dispensing unit that keeps track of your dry good inventory, and doles out precise measurements of those ingredients. In this video, shot at the recent International Housewares show (pardon the tradeshow audio), PantryChic Inventor and President, Nicole Lee shows off the company’s first production models.
We’ve been watching this company grow and mature since our first Smart Kitchen Summit in 2015, so It’s fun to see their product move from development and into reality. PantryChic will be available this August, and will cost $299 for the dispenser and three containers.
**Don’t judge my Bisquick! Not everything has to be from scratch all the time. Plus, I use a cup of cottage cheese in the recipe as my secret ingredient. Try it!
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