There is no shortage of machines and methods that promise to make you a better cup of coffee. But one that stands out for us here at The Spoon is the Terra-Kaffe TK-01.
This beautifully designed all-in-one machine holds your beans, grinds them to the right degree, extracts your coffee and froths your milk — all with the push of the button.
There are a few features on the Terra-Kaffe that we really appreciate. First, all the controls are on the device itself, so there is no app to download and account to create before you use it. Second, no pods — just pour in your coffee. Finally, you can add whatever coffee you like. You don’t need to go through a Terra-Kaffe marketplace to get your beans.
Oh, one more thing we like about the TK-01? It’s shipping right now. There’s no backlog, no wait. I mean, the TK-01 isn’t cheap, it costs $775. But can you put a price on your morning caffeination? Check out this video with Terra-Kaffe’s Founder and CEO Sahand Dilmaghani to see the TK-01 brew up a cup of coffee.
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