Drug store giant Walgreens is getting in on the speedy delivery game, as the company announced today that it now offers nationwide two-hour delivery of more than 24,000 products.
According to a press announcement, customers can shop via Walgreens’ website or app as the normally would. There is no minimum order required and upon checkout, shoppers select Same Day Delivery and can receive their items in under two hours.
Walgreens has existing delivery relationships with third-party services like Postmates, DoorDash and Instacart. But in those cases, customers ordered via the third-party platforms, not Walgreens. Though this new service has customers using the Walgreens site and app, a Walgreens rep told us that the actual delivery of items is still being facilitated third-party delivery companies like Uber and DoorDash. This new arrangement, however, would allow Walgreens to keep more of its customer data, rather than hand it off entirely to a delivery company.
That Walgreens is launching its own fast, two-hour delivery option isn’t that much of a surprise. The lines between grocery retailer, drug store and convenience store continue to blur as shoppers can buy a variety of foods, medicines, beverages and beauty items at any of those options. As such, Walgreens is being squeezed by grocery giants like Amazon and its two-hour delivery on one end, and upstarts like the delivery-only convenience store goPuff, which offers delivery of items in as little as a half hour, 24 hours a day.
Another benefit of Walgreens ramping up its delivery efforts is that hopefully fewer sick people will go into stores. Walgreens delivery is contactless, which means people with colds and flus won’t have to wander store aisles, stand in line with other healthy customers or interact with human cashiers. A definite benefit in this pandemic age.
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