Sure you’ve tried Tinder or Bumble, but have you looked for love with a fridge?
Now you can, kinda (not really), with Refrigerdate.
Samsung’s gimmicky smart fridge dating service is just one of the topics we talk about on our latest Spoon editor’s roundtable podcast edition of the Smart Kitchen Show.
Other topics include:
- The growing number of AI-meets-food stories and whether the term AI is being overused
- The pushback by local city and state governments against the use of CBD in beverages
- The foodtech accelerator trend (including agtech) and why the new BSH Appliances smart kitchen accelerator may be a new angle for the appliance industry
Joining me on the podcast are the usual cast of characters: Jenn Marston, Chris Albrecht and Catherine Lamb.
As always, you can download the episode, listen to it on your favorite podcast app like Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Soundcloud, or just click play below.
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