Ever want to distill your own spirits? That job may have gotten a little easier, at least if you own a PicoBrew brewing appliance.
That’s because the company announced they’ve started shipping the PicoStill, an add-on to the Pico brewing appliance that will convert beer into the hard stuff, to their Kickstarter backers.
Here’s what I wrote last year when the company announced their whiskey-making add-on:
Today the company announced the PicoStill, a new device that, when combined one of the company’s brewing kegs, utilizes a patent pending process to transform beer into the hard stuff. Of course, PicoBrew emphasizes the PicoStill is for making essential oils, concentrated oils extracted from plants that can then be used for such applications as incense or adding flavor to food or drink. PicoBrew also lets you know that if you have the “proper licenses and permits”, the PicoStil can also make a “wide range of alcohols”.”
Because it’s still illegal to distill spirits at home pretty much everywhere in the US, PicoBrew’s messaging for the PicoStill focuses on essential oils when it comes to the home user. However, I’m guessing those PicoBrew users interested in distilling home spirits will know exactly what they can do with the PicoStill.
The company will make the PicoStill available to the general public in May for $399, but is currently offering a discount on the product for $249.
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