In the abstract, it’s easy to know that the pandemic is affecting everything. But it’s when you get down to the nitty-gritty practical level that you fully understand just how COVID really is impacting everything. Like, for instance, how important pictures are when people are buying your products online.
Marketing Interactive has a story up about moves Coca-Cola is making to adjust its marketing efforts in the wake of coronavirus. From that story:
The company will enhance its brand presence on the “virtual aisle”, investing in high-quality content such as photos, videos and product descriptions, to ensure its brands look as good online as they do in store.
Coca-Cola is also working with retailers to increase the visibility and attractiveness of their products on screens, ramping up SEO, and working with restaurants to make sure its drinks are featured on menus.
It’s no surprise that Coca-Cola would be making these moves. Online grocery shopping has had record adoption and sales since March, thanks to the pandemic, reaching $7.2 billion in June. While restaurants yo-yo between being open to in-person dining and closed as the virus waxes and wanes, one thing for certain is the move to more contacless experiences. These new contactless measures will include digital payments and menus becoming standard.
Of course, Coke’s moves are also coming on the heels of a 28 percent drop in sales for the company as high-volume customers like restaurants, ballparks and movie theaters all shut down because of the virus.
While Marketing Interactive focused on Coke, it’s safe to assume that every CPG brand is making similar moves. If the only way consumers can interact with your brand is through a screen, then companies better make sure that that imagery is optimized for multiple types of screens and that those images look good.
In the 80s, Coca-Cola’s ad slogan was “Have a Coke and a smile.” Smiles are a definitely harder to come by nowadays, but with its new marketing efforts, Coca-Cola is making sure you still get your Coke.
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